Utilities for Configuration

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Java module with utilities for managing and loading config and secrets. All of these should be kubernetes safe, handling how it uses config maps etc.

See morimekta.net/utils for procedures on releases.

Getting Started

To add to maven: Add this line to pom.xmlunder dependencies:


To add to gradle: Add this line to the dependencies group in build.gradle:

implementation 'net.morimekta.utils:config:3.3.1'


The configuration helpers here have two purposes, simplify the config setup and allow for in-situ updated configuration. The library supports loading config from YAML files per default, but can be extended to support more / different types of config.

  • ConfigSupplier: A simple supplier class for getting config out of a file. Its structure is meant to first set up the supplier (e.g. when setting up command line arguments), then load the config (e.g. when parsing the arguments). This supplier will only read the config when told to, so is in effect a static / fixed config supplier.
  • ConfigWatcher: Watch a directory for config files of the same type and notify listeners on changes (new files, updates and deleted files). It handles the parsing of the config and has an event listener for making metrics easy.
import net.morimekta.config.ConfigWatcher;
import net.morimekta.config.readers.YamlConfigReader;

import java.nio.file.Path;

class MyApplication {
  ConfigSupplier<MyAppConfig> supplier = ConfigSupplier.config(MyAppConfig.class);
  ConfigWatcher<MyAppConfig>  watcher  = new ConfigWatcher<MyAppConfig>(
          new YamlConfigReader<>(MyAppConfig.class),
          config -> config.name);

Configuration Readers

  • ConfigReader: A simple reader interface for getting config out of a file.
  • ConfigReaderProvider: A provider for a config reader. This system is in place to allow more different readers to be provided for the config supplier. By default, it will support detecting .yml and .yaml files and parse as YAML.
  • YamlConfigReader: A default config reader implementation for reading YAML (1.1) using snakeyaml.


One of the important points of this library is to codify the separation of secrets from config. As secrets must be protected from visibility to some extent, configuration otherwise should not need that protection.

  • SecretsManager: Manage secrets located in a directory. Update secrets as the files are updated. Newly loaded secrets will be available. This is based on handling secrets in the standard kubernetes way. Most KVM managed secrets have a way of building k8s secrets from their own system.
  • Secret: Keeps a secret, and able to update and listen to updates to the secret. If loaded from a YAML config file (jackson), then it can load the secret value from an environment variable (env), and if also done after setting the secrets config as a context, can also load secrets from the secret manager.

KMS Integrations

How to integrate external sources of secrets is always tricky, but for most providers there already exist ways of managing k8s secrets, resulting in the same Secret or similar resource that can be mounted and used the same way. The big point here is that your app should not need to care where a secret comes from, it is always available the same way, and moving from one secret provider to another should be entirely transparent to the app in question.

In essence anything that can generate native Secret resources in kubernetes with a single file for each "secret" to be loaded is supported. And any that can update the secret in place will allow for in-situ secret updates without service restarts.

Additionally, some password managers may be used to manage secrets used in some services: