GIT Tools

GitHub License

gittool is a small collection og helper programs to streamline my git usage. The main utility is gt, which wraps some git commands in interactive interface, and makes a bit more powerful diff utility using gvim.

Extra git tools by morimekta - 3.2
Usage: gt [-hV] [--git_repository REPOSITORY] [--verbose] cmd [...]

 --git_repository REPOSITORY : The git repository root directory
 --help (-h, -?)             : Show help
 --version (-V)              : Show program version
 --verbose                   : Show verbose exceptions
 cmd                         : Command to act on git repo with

Available sub-commands:

 help   : Show help
 branch : Change branch
 status : Review branch status
 diff   : Diff changes
 log    : Log changes


mvn release:prepare

VERSION="$(git tag | semver --max)"
DL="$(gt-repo -d"

cp "target/gittool-${VERSION}.tar.gz" "$DL/dl/archive/"
cp "target/gittool-${VERSION}_all.deb" "$DL/dl/deb/"
cp "target/rpm/gittool/RPMS/noarch/gittool-${VERSION}-1.noarch.rpm" "$DL/dl/rpm/"

mvn release:clean
git fetch origin

cd $DL
make clean
make upload