Providence Gradle Plugin

A gradle plugin for generating providence serialization models. To enable the providence plugin, use the plugin with the same version as the providence release you are using.

var providence_version = '2.0.0'

plugins {
    id "net.morimekta.providence.gradle" version "${providence_version}"

// etc...
dependencies {
    // The generated code needs the matching providence-core code to be available
    // at compile time.
    compile "net.morimekta.providence:providence-core:${providence_version}"

The providence plugin can also easily be configured, e.g. for handling a multi- project IDL based thrift repository, you can set up input and includes separately. Input files are the thrift programs that will be generated code for, and includes will be available at compile time, but not generated for.

providence {
    main {
        // In order to only compile the locally defined IDL files
        input = fileTree('idl') {
            include '**/*.thrift'
        // Non compiled but included program files.
        include = fileTree('idl') {
            include '**/*.thrift'
            exclude '**/*.thrift'

        // Flags to enable specific providence generation features.
        jackson = false

Source Code

The gradle plugin is placed in its own repository as it itself uses the gradle build system (not maven as here).