* Copyright 2020 Collect Utils Authors
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package net.morimekta.collect.util;
import net.morimekta.collect.SetBuilder;
import net.morimekta.collect.UnmodifiableSet;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import static net.morimekta.collect.UnmodifiableSet.asSet;
import static net.morimekta.collect.UnmodifiableSet.setOf;
import static net.morimekta.collect.UnmodifiableSortedSet.asSortedSet;
import static net.morimekta.collect.UnmodifiableSortedSet.newBuilderOrderedBy;
* Utility class containing set-math operations.
* <p>
* See <a href="">probabilitycouse</a>
* or <a href="">britannica</a>
* for definitions and theory.
public final class SetOperations {
* Get the union of all the set's provided. Essentially a set
* of all elements in each set in the input.
* @param of Sets to make union of.
* @param <E> The item type.
* @return The union set.
public static <E> Set<E> union(Set<E>... of) {
if (of.length == 0) {
return setOf();
SetBuilder<E> builder;
if (of[0] instanceof SortedSet) {
SortedSet<E> first = (SortedSet<E>) of[0];
builder = newBuilderOrderedBy(first.comparator());
} else {
builder = UnmodifiableSet.newBuilder();
for (Set<E> set : of) {
* Get the intersection between the sets. These are the items contains
* in all the sets provided.
* @param set The main set to make intersection with.
* @param with Sets to intersect with.
* @param <E> The item type.
* @return The intersected set.
public static <E> Set<E> intersect(Set<E> set, Set<E>... with) {
if (with.length == 0) {
if (set instanceof SortedSet) {
return asSortedSet(set);
return asSet(set);
SetBuilder<E> builder;
if (set instanceof SortedSet) {
SortedSet<E> first = (SortedSet<E>) set;
builder = newBuilderOrderedBy(set.size(), first.comparator());
} else {
builder = UnmodifiableSet.newBuilder(set.size());
for (E e : set) {
for (Set<E> w : with) {
if (!w.contains(e)) {
continue setLoop;
* Take the minuend, and subtract all elements contained in all the subtrahend sets.
* @param minuend The source set to be removed elements from.
* @param subtrahends The sets with elements to remove.
* @param <E> The element type.
* @return The difference set from the subtraction.
public static <E> Set<E> subtract(Set<E> minuend, Set<E>... subtrahends) {
if (subtrahends.length == 0) {
if (minuend instanceof SortedSet) {
return asSortedSet(minuend);
return asSet(minuend);
SetBuilder<E> builder;
if (minuend instanceof SortedSet) {
SortedSet<E> first = (SortedSet<E>) minuend;
builder = newBuilderOrderedBy((Comparator) first.comparator());
} else {
builder = UnmodifiableSet.newBuilder();
for (E e : minuend) {
for (Set<E> w : subtrahends) {
if (w.contains(e)) {
continue setLoop;
* Create a difference set of the items contained only in either
* of the two sets, but not both. This is the same as
* <code>union(subtract(a, b), subtract(b, a))</code>, but much more
* efficient.
* @param first The first set.
* @param second The second set.
* @param <E> The item type.
* @return The difference set.
public static <E> Set<E> difference(Set<E> first, Set<E> second) {
SetBuilder<E> builder;
if (first instanceof SortedSet) {
if (first.isEmpty()) {
return asSortedSet(second);
if (second.isEmpty()) {
return asSortedSet(first);
builder = newBuilderOrderedBy(
first.size() + second.size(),
((SortedSet<E>) first).comparator());
} else {
if (first.isEmpty()) {
return asSet(second);
if (second.isEmpty()) {
return asSet(first);
builder = UnmodifiableSet.newBuilder(first.size() + second.size());
for (E e : first) {
if (!second.contains(e)) {
for (E e : second) {
if (!first.contains(e)) {
* Calculate the cartesian product of the two sets. The cartesian product will
* combine every element of A with every element of B, so the resulting set
* will have a total of <code>size(A) * size(B)</code> elements each with a
* unique combination of <code>(Ax, By)</code> pair.
* @param a The first set
* @param b The second set
* @param <A> The element type in first set
* @param <B> The element type in second set
* @return The cartesian product.
public static <A, B> Set<Pair<A, B>> product(Set<A> a, Set<B> b) {
SetBuilder<Pair<A, B>> builder;
if (a instanceof SortedSet && b instanceof SortedSet) {
SortedSet<A> sa = (SortedSet<A>) a;
SortedSet<B> sb = (SortedSet<B>) b;
Comparator<Pair<A, B>> comparator = sa.comparator() == null ?
Comparator.comparing(p -> (Comparable) p.first) :
Comparator.comparing(Pair::getFirst, sa.comparator());
if (sb.comparator() == null) {
comparator = comparator.thenComparing(p -> (Comparable) p.second);
} else {
comparator = comparator.thenComparing(p -> p.second, sb.comparator());
if (a.isEmpty() || b.isEmpty()) {
return newBuilderOrderedBy(comparator).build();
builder = newBuilderOrderedBy(a.size() * b.size(), comparator);
} else {
if (a.isEmpty() || b.isEmpty()) {
return UnmodifiableSet.setOf();
builder = UnmodifiableSet.newBuilder(a.size() * b.size());
for (A ia : a) {
for (B ib : b) {
builder.add(Pair.pairOf(ia, ib));
* Check if the first set is a subset of the second.
* @param set The set to check.
* @param of The set to check against.
* @param <E> The item type.
* @return True if the first set is a subset of the second.
public static <E> boolean subset(Set<E> set, Set<E> of) {
if (set.size() > of.size()) {
return false;
for (E e : set) {
if (!of.contains(e)) {
return false;
return true;
* Check that the two sets are disjoint, meaning they have no items in common.
* Same that the intersection between the sets are empty.
* @param first The first set.
* @param second The second set.
* @param <E> The item type.
* @return True if the two sets are disjoint.
public static <E> boolean disjoint(Set<E> first, Set<E> second) {
// We actually only need to check one way, as the equality
// items always comes in pairs...
for (E item : first) {
if (second.contains(item)) {
return false;
return true;
private SetOperations() {}